Many have asked - what is really going on over in Beijing? I really have no idea as we all try to wade through the propaganda, mud slinging (from ALL media sources!), and absolute loss of perspective that seems to have taken hold with these games.
To convey my own perspective on these 2008 Olympic Games, In coming weeks I will try to slice through this mud-pie with doses of my own experiences here Beijing. Old fashion on-the-ground blogging - yes!
On daily life in Beijing
to sum up - Beijing is crazy and overwhelmed with Olympics crazed activity with a strong dose of authoritarianism and paranoia thrown in. I have heard Olympics are always a pain for local people, and that is certainly true here as life is getting very inconvenient in terms of transportation, restrictions on businesses, and heightened security.
I work adjacent to the Olympic Village and across the street from the International Broadcast Center, so one can imagine how busy it is around here, and very secure! However, our research team is undaunted and everyone is working with out interruption. We have new magnetized name badges, but other than that, us researchers can't be bothered.
On the media
I see the media situation as more complex than is being reported. For one thing, China is royally making an ass of itself by pissing the media off to the extent that the oppressive lack of freedom of press has become the only story they find worth reporting. But I really see another facet of the story that adds complexity that goes back to the last year of perception, within China, that western media continues to bash China and impose great bias on all stories. The Chinese see this as sort of "sour grapes" reporting as the US economy is tanking and they see such bias as displaced jealousy over China continuing to thrive. And so now with the Olympics, China has control and is punishing the western press by not letting them access to anything. Its a continuation of the anger here over press coverage throughout 2008.
On Schizophrenia
This comment pertains to the ongoing confusion over conceptions of hospitality.
What is different here than in other Olympics Cities perhaps is how the Olympics organizers are also making life incredibly difficult for foreigners and visitors. there are 1000s of neighborhoods guards posted watching your every move, hotels are bugged, and your every move is being watched. And over 1/2 of my friends were deported on July 1 with a sweeping visa policy that really screwed up a lot of people's lives.
Yes, it is nice to deploy 20,000 "volunteers" to help visitors navigate the games, the city etc.
No, it is not nice to chase after foreigners on the street to ask them if that want to talk in English.
Yes, its nice to see "welcome to Beijing" signs, topiary, and broadcasts everyone in the beautified Beijing.
No, its not nice to have a throng of guards, volunteers, and others descend upon you every time a foreigner gets near an Olympic site, Tiananmen Square, etc and start to yell at you not to get too close.
Yes, its nice that the municipal government published 8 "don't asks" to help people know how to chat with foreigners:
Beijing's 2008 Olympics "Eight Don't Ask Questions" include the following:
Don't ask about income or expenses.
Don't ask about age.
Don't ask about love, life, or marriage.
Don't ask about health.
Don't ask about someone's home or address.
Don't ask about personal experience.
Don't ask about religious beliefs or political views.
Don't ask what someone does.
But again, no, we aren't fooled by face-value hospitality when the city continues to send messages around warning of highly suspicious foreigners. As long as eye balls are constantly watching our every move as if every blondie is the next shoe bomber, I can't say I feel especially welcomed.