Yes, I am back in the far away land called Yinchuan, in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in Northwestern

If you recall back in April I ran into some trouble with the authorities while accompanying a team for some survey work. This time, I have cozied myself in the hospitable graces of the Ningxia University School for International Exchange, and feel much more protected than I did before.
It is a slow pace out here, especially in this time of year, but in the past few days I have been able to arrange several meetings with water resource scholars and officials. I still am working to hire an assistant because I am having trouble understanding what these guys are saying. But I hope they will all meet with me again in December when I have my assistant so she can translate for me.
All is well out here, had to have beer for lunch to do toasts with Mr. Tian the water resource engineering director. Now must rest before the next meeting in the afternoon.